panasonic vb 9 programing
From the port 1/ext 10on/off-memory- # - #-key-moderedial-PGM-address-setting # # / *-on / off# = Next, previous *=Sign in programming mode ofplane while the programmer:on/off- # 98-PSWD (9999) -on/offDetermination pswt programming:Mode4-redial-no.ext-20-# -1 - # -on/offDetermination of ID code:Mode1-redial-1001-#-code ID(4digit) - # -on/offRemove the ID code with FF1 (4x)Mode 1Date & Time:0101 - #-dd-mm-yy-#
0102 - # # -on/off -0/1-(0 = 12 hours, 1 = 24h)
0103 - # -hh-mm-1/2- # -on/off(1 = am, 2 = pm)
0104 - # -1s/d7- #(1 = sunday, etc.)
CO connection:0001 - # -1s/d8- #(1 = CO1, etc.)
BGM:0405 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
MOH:0413 - # -0/1- #(0 = internal, 1 = external)
Adm PSWD:1001 - #-XXXX-#Day Set:5010 (mon) - # -hh-mm-1/2- #(1 = am, 2 = pm)
5020 (tue), etc.Night Set:5011 (mon)5021 (tue), etc.Mode 2CO dial mode:(01s/d08) 01 - # -0/1- #(0 = pulse, 1 = tone)
Trunk group set:(01s/d08) 05 - # -0s/d8- #(0 = access0 / 9)(1 = access811), etc.
Mode 3Auto Answer:(01s/d08) 04 - # -1/2- #1 = Pick the handset,2 = handset + on / off
PrimeLinePref (key):(01s/d08) 07 - # -0/2- #0 = noline,2 = handset + on / off
Override (key):(01s/d08) 12 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Mode 4Set Phone Type:(10s/d33) 01 - # - (0s/d4) - #0 = key,1 = SLT,2 = DSS1,3 = DSS2,4 = DISA
SLT dial:(10s/d33) 02 - # -0/1- #(0 = Pulse, 1 = Tone)
Auto Answer:(10s/d33) 04 - # -1/2- #1 = Pickup the handset,2 = handset + on / off
PrimeLinePref (key):(10s/d33) 07 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Override (key):(10s/d33) 12 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Operators ext:(10s/d33) 19 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Administrator Ext:(10s/d33) 20 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Paging Group Set:(10s/d33) 06 - # - (1s/d3) - #(1 = group1), etc.
PrimeLinePref (key):(10s/d33) 07 - # - (0s/d2) - #0 = no pref,1 = Pick the handset,Pick the handset + 2 = On / Off
PrimeLineAccessGroup:(10s/d33) 08 - # - (0s/d3) - #0 = Access 9 / 0,1 = 811,2 = 812,3 = 813)
Mode 5Ring Day:(10s/d33) 0n--0/1- # #N = Line(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Night Ring:(10s/d33) # 1N--0/1- #N = Line(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Mode 6Assigned FF key:(10s/d33) nn (FF key No.) - # -(881s/d888) for CO or(10s/d33) to DSS-#Mode 7Restrict Day:(10s/d33) 1n-# - (0s/d4) - #-N = COline- 0 = intercom- 1 = incomming 0nly- 2 = local- 3 = Flexible- 4 = Free
Restrict Night:(10s/d33) 2n-# - (0s/d4) - #(Sda)
ACC Code:8-nn-1-#-XXXXXX-#nn = Acc No.,
clear = 99999999 #
ACC Service:8-nn-3-# - (0s/d4) - #(0s/d4 = restrict type)Restrict 2-digit code (COS3):70-nn-# - (0 / 1) #0 = no restrict,1 = only00restrict,nn = the leading digit entry
Fashion 8SMDR Print:0001 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = Out, 1 = in + out)
Baudrate:1001 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = '4800, 1 = '1200)
Stop Bits:1002 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = 1bit, 1 = 2bit)
Data Length:1003 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = 7bit, 1 = 8bit)
Parity:1004 - # - (0s/d2) - #(0 = none, 1 = odd, 2 = event)
0102 - # # -on/off -0/1-(0 = 12 hours, 1 = 24h)
0103 - # -hh-mm-1/2- # -on/off(1 = am, 2 = pm)
0104 - # -1s/d7- #(1 = sunday, etc.)
CO connection:0001 - # -1s/d8- #(1 = CO1, etc.)
BGM:0405 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
MOH:0413 - # -0/1- #(0 = internal, 1 = external)
Adm PSWD:1001 - #-XXXX-#Day Set:5010 (mon) - # -hh-mm-1/2- #(1 = am, 2 = pm)
5020 (tue), etc.Night Set:5011 (mon)5021 (tue), etc.Mode 2CO dial mode:(01s/d08) 01 - # -0/1- #(0 = pulse, 1 = tone)
Trunk group set:(01s/d08) 05 - # -0s/d8- #(0 = access0 / 9)(1 = access811), etc.
Mode 3Auto Answer:(01s/d08) 04 - # -1/2- #1 = Pick the handset,2 = handset + on / off
PrimeLinePref (key):(01s/d08) 07 - # -0/2- #0 = noline,2 = handset + on / off
Override (key):(01s/d08) 12 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Mode 4Set Phone Type:(10s/d33) 01 - # - (0s/d4) - #0 = key,1 = SLT,2 = DSS1,3 = DSS2,4 = DISA
SLT dial:(10s/d33) 02 - # -0/1- #(0 = Pulse, 1 = Tone)
Auto Answer:(10s/d33) 04 - # -1/2- #1 = Pickup the handset,2 = handset + on / off
PrimeLinePref (key):(10s/d33) 07 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Override (key):(10s/d33) 12 - # -0/1- #(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Operators ext:(10s/d33) 19 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Administrator Ext:(10s/d33) 20 - # -0/1- #(0 = no, 1 = yes)
Paging Group Set:(10s/d33) 06 - # - (1s/d3) - #(1 = group1), etc.
PrimeLinePref (key):(10s/d33) 07 - # - (0s/d2) - #0 = no pref,1 = Pick the handset,Pick the handset + 2 = On / Off
PrimeLineAccessGroup:(10s/d33) 08 - # - (0s/d3) - #0 = Access 9 / 0,1 = 811,2 = 812,3 = 813)
Mode 5Ring Day:(10s/d33) 0n--0/1- # #N = Line(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Night Ring:(10s/d33) # 1N--0/1- #N = Line(0 = disable, 1 = enable)
Mode 6Assigned FF key:(10s/d33) nn (FF key No.) - # -(881s/d888) for CO or(10s/d33) to DSS-#Mode 7Restrict Day:(10s/d33) 1n-# - (0s/d4) - #-N = COline- 0 = intercom- 1 = incomming 0nly- 2 = local- 3 = Flexible- 4 = Free
Restrict Night:(10s/d33) 2n-# - (0s/d4) - #(Sda)
ACC Code:8-nn-1-#-XXXXXX-#nn = Acc No.,
clear = 99999999 #
ACC Service:8-nn-3-# - (0s/d4) - #(0s/d4 = restrict type)Restrict 2-digit code (COS3):70-nn-# - (0 / 1) #0 = no restrict,1 = only00restrict,nn = the leading digit entry
Fashion 8SMDR Print:0001 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = Out, 1 = in + out)
Baudrate:1001 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = '4800, 1 = '1200)
Stop Bits:1002 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = 1bit, 1 = 2bit)
Data Length:1003 - # - (0 / 1) - #(0 = 7bit, 1 = 8bit)
Parity:1004 - # - (0s/d2) - #(0 = none, 1 = odd, 2 = event)
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