share internet connection without software on windows 8
How to share internet connection without software on windows 8?
1.well first make sure there is a pc with internet connection.
2. open CMD and run as administrator
3. Setting Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adaptor , type on cmd : netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=NAME_SSID key=PASSWORD
4.Run Microsoft Hosted Virtual Network Adapter
type in cmd: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5.after that, look in the Control Panel Network Connection there should have been a new network your adapter for:Microsoft's Hosted Virtual Network Adapter
6.Share internet connection from a modem or a wifi connection that you have, click properties on your iternet conection,select sharing,and choose allow other network user to connect to the network adapter that was your created.
To test the search please use the wifi laptop or HP / BB. Less obvious? please discuss here
To activate / enable Virtual Network Adapter is still not actively open the device manager and enable
1.well first make sure there is a pc with internet connection.
2. open CMD and run as administrator
3. Setting Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adaptor , type on cmd : netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=NAME_SSID key=PASSWORD
4.Run Microsoft Hosted Virtual Network Adapter
type in cmd: netsh wlan start hostednetwork
5.after that, look in the Control Panel Network Connection there should have been a new network your adapter for:Microsoft's Hosted Virtual Network Adapter
6.Share internet connection from a modem or a wifi connection that you have, click properties on your iternet conection,select sharing,and choose allow other network user to connect to the network adapter that was your created.
To test the search please use the wifi laptop or HP / BB. Less obvious? please discuss here
To activate / enable Virtual Network Adapter is still not actively open the device manager and enable
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